Category Archives: Chinese Marriage

Chinese Marriage

Auspicious Wedding dates 2019

You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. Planning to get married in the 2019 and undecided […]

Auspicious Wedding dates 2018

Auspicious Wedding dates 2018

You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. Planning to get married in the 2018 and undecided […]

Auspicious Wedding dates 2017

You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. Planning to get married in the 2017 and undecided […]

Auspicious Wedding dates 2016

You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2016 is the year of Monkey in the Chinese […]

Auspicious Wedding dates 2015

You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2015 is the year of sheep in the Chinese […]

Auspicious Wedding dates 2014

You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2014 is the year of horse in the Chinese […]

Auspicious Wedding dates 2013

You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an ausipicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2013 is the year of snake in the Chinese […]

How to Write Chinese Wedding Invitation Envelopes | 喜帖信封寫法

Addressing chinese wedding invitation envelopes can be intimidating if you do not know what is the proper chinese title for your paternal grandmother’s sister’s husband or maternal grandmother’s elder brother. But it is really simple. Just learn the proper chinese title for your relatives from the Three Generation Relationship Chart and follow these 3 steps. […]

Chinese Wedding Invitations Wording | 結婚喜帖內容

Chinese wedding invitations wording are vertical and read from right to left. Information for the groom will be presented first before information of the bride. The chinese wedding invitation will include the following information as a minimum: – the Gregorian calendar and chinese calendar dates, if available, for the wedding banquet, – order of birth […]

Time to Prepare the Wedding Invitation | 何時預備結婚喜帖

Eight weeks before the wedding… You can start preparing your chinese wedding invitation once you have decided on the wedding banquet dates and reserved the restaurant. Some hotels or restaurants will provide blank wedding invitation cards for a certain percentage of the number of guests as part of the wedding banquet package. The couple will […]

Auspicious Wedding dates 2012

You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an ausipicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2012 is the year of dragon in the Chinese […]

Check the auspicious timing for wedding dates

Some people also want an auspicious timing for events such as fetching the bride and entering the groom’s home. Check the auspicious rating under “今天时辰吉凶”. The timings are listed as 吉 auspicious timing, 中 neutral timing and 凶 fierce or bad timing. Choose those that are 吉 or 中 and avoid timing listed as 凶. […]