Personalized wedding rubber stamps make your wedding correspondance unique. It’s wedding time and there are so many notes, wedding invitations, etc. to be created and mailed. Most brides want those to reflect their personality and that is sure to be done if you have the right tools. One of those is a personalized rubber stamp […]
Custom engraved wax seal stampers with your personal image/logo lends dignity, prestige, and a personal flair to letters, products, events & invitations. IDEAL FOR: Perfect for weddings invitation card, invitation envelope, favor box, corporate gift and more! Specifications: Stamp Size : 20mm | 25mm | 30mm diameter * 90mm height Stamper Head Material: 18K Copper […]
The wax is used with the custom engraved wax seal stampers with your personal image/logo lends dignity, prestige, and a personal flair to letters, products, events & invitations. Each stick will make average 7-10 seals when created with a 3/4″ diameter coin. IDEAL FOR: Perfect for weddings invitation card, invitation envelope, favor box, corporate gift […]
The Glue Gun Sealing Wax is used with the glue gun to create seals without a flame. Seals are soot free (no burning wicks), and easily/quickly placed into exact position for embossing. An actual wax molded to fit a glue gun, allowing one to create seals without a flame. Seals are soot free (no burning […]
You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an ausipicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2013 is the year of snake in the Chinese […]
A practical and popular Asian wedding favor is taken to new heights in both quality and presentation! Thank your guests graciously and in good taste with our “East Meets West” Chopsticks. Our Stainless Steel Chopsticks are made of high quality Stainless Steel, you can select to engrave them with the couple’s names and date or […]
A personalized pair of chopsticks is the must-have party favor for a Chinese banquet and a popular giveaway for any Asian themed event. Our chopsticks are made of high quality natural wood, and each is engraved with the couple’s names and date or a personal message of your choice. You can even have your names […]
Specifications: Product Code: EV-5 All the way | 天長地久 Colour Theme: Purple Size of the Wedding Invitation (after fold):180mm(w) x 110mm(h) Material: 230gsm color pearlised paper Weight: 30g/set Description: Map or wedding photo can be printed on the card. The card ships together with one matching RSVP card. Number of Card Price per Card USD […]
“恩愛” 相處六大原則 (要新娘簽字作實) ====================================== 給親愛的老婆大人, 夫妻“恩愛”相處六大原則 1。老婆絕對唔會犯錯 2。如果發現老婆有錯,一定系我睇錯。 3。如果我無睇錯,一定是因我既錯先令老婆犯錯。 4。如果系老婆自己的錯,只要渠不認錯,渠就沒有錯。 5。如果老婆唔認錯,我仲堅持渠有錯,咁系我既錯。 6。總之,老婆絕對唔會有錯,呢句話絕對唔會錯。 就算我一生都做錯,不過我敢肯定我今日選這個老婆係絕對無錯! 愛你一生一世的老公, 老公簽署:___________________ 新娘簽署(證實/同意):___________________ 姐妹簽署(證實):___________________ ======================================================== Husband “Loving” six principles- Agreement To: My lovely wife, 1. Wife absolutely not wrong. 2. If you find that his wife is wrong, I am certain is me wrong. 3. If I am certain is me wrong, […]
遇到婚禮儀式的時候,總是讓人很容易感動, 特別是當證婚人宣讀下面這段誓詞的時候: 證婚人: 各位來賓:今天我們來到這裏,是為了共同見證 新郎 – *先生和新娘- *小姐的美滿結合。現在婚禮正式開始。 新郎** 先生、新娘**小姐, 作為證婚人,我代表在座的各位嘉賓, 向你們提出幾個問題,請兩位俱實作答,並且這也將成為你們的諾言。 新郎** 先生- 請問***,你是否願意娶 ** 小姐為你的合法妻子, 並發誓無論健康或疾病、富有或貧窮、一生愛她,尊重她,照顧她,把她視為你最終和唯一的愛,今生今世永不分開。 請問你願意嗎? 新郎: (我願意) “不管貧窮還是富有,不管健康還是疾病,我都會愛你,尊重你,不離不棄,直到永遠。” “如果非要給這份愛加上一個期限, 我希望是一萬年!” “你願意嫁給 XXXXXXXXX先生為合法及正式的太太並為合法及正式的丈夫嗎?” 新娘: “從現在開始,你只許疼我一個人,要寵我,不能騙我,答應我的每一件事都要做到,對我講的每一句話都要真心,不許欺負我,罵我,要相信我,別人欺負我,你要在第一時間出來幫我,我開心了,你就要陪著我開心,我不開心了,你就要哄我開心,永遠都要覺得我是最漂亮的,夢裏也要見到我,在你的心裏面只有我。” “我願意。” “恭喜你,XXXXXXX先生。” “恭喜你,XXXXXX太太。” “現在我們進行交換戒指儀式。” “先請我們的新郎為新娘戴上結婚戒指,戴在右手的無名指。” “好了,請新娘為新郎戴上結婚戒指,在左手的無名指。”
給 至愛的老婆大人XXX: 我愛(新娘名字) 情不變 一生為奴無怨言 買餸煮飯我做先 洗衫拖地我都掂 每月人工俾曬妳 我D零用由妳俾 名牌任買隨得妳 最緊要係妳歡喜 唔嫖唔賭唔食煙 篤波賭馬問你先 生仔生女隨得妳 請埋工人去幫妳 生生世世陪住妳 總之我由今日起 生命裡面只有妳 立下此誓永不變 (新娘名字)、 (新娘名字)、 我 愛 妳 (新娘名字)、 (新娘名字)、 我 愛 妳!!! 一生一世愛妳一個既老公仔: 簽 署 : ____________________________ 日期 : ____________________________
見證人: 各位鄉親父老、叔伯兄弟、靚仔靚女 我 (新郎名稱) 娶靚老婆,洗衫煮飯唔厭多 買Å拖地兼按摩,做埋賓仔唔太過 全副身家歸你管,出糧過戶俾老婆 求求老婆幫幫我,快快趣趣生番個 咁樣唔算好太過,齊齊開心過世囉! 總之我保證我會比之前更加愛妳、鍚妳、令妳成為呢個世界上最幸福快樂既X師奶。 (新娘名稱) 我愛妳! 一生一世愛妳既賓仔 (新郎名稱) 老公仔 簽署:________________ (新郎名稱) 終身合約做賓仔 日期:________________