Check the auspicious timing for wedding dates

Some people also want an auspicious timing for events such as fetching the bride and entering the groom’s home.

Check the auspicious rating under “今天时辰吉凶”. The timings are listed as 吉 auspicious timing, 中 neutral timing and 凶 fierce or bad timing. Choose those that are 吉 or 中 and avoid timing listed as 凶.

The chinese timing are divided into 12 periods, each 2 hours long. The chinese day commence at 11 pm the night before. These are the corresponding time:
Earthly Branch Chinese zodiac Hours in a day

Earthly Branch Chinese zodiac Hours in a day
1 子 (Zǐ) Rat 11pm-1am
2 丑 (Chǒu) Ox 1am-3am
3 寅 (Yín) Tiger 3am-5am
4 卯 (Mǎo) Rabbit 5am-7am
5 辰 (Chén) Dragon 7am-9am
6 巳 (Sì) Snake 9am-11am
7 午 (Wǔ) Horse 11am-1pm
8 未 (Wèi) Sheep 1pm-3pm
9 申 (Shēn) Monkey 3pm-5pm
10 酉 (Yǒu) Rooster 5pm-7pm
11 戌 (Xū) Dog 7pm-9pm
12 亥 (Hài) Pig 9pm-11pm

Chinese Timing

3 thoughts on “Check the auspicious timing for wedding dates

  1. Esther says:

    Hi, we’re planning to get married on first half year of 2011. Kindly suggest auspicious date for us.

    Male : 24/11/1971 (Boar)
    Male’s mum : 1946 (Dog)

    Me : 06/01/1975 (Tiger)
    My mum : 20/01/1942(Horse)


  2. Francina Curreri says:

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  3. gergana says:

    Please, can you tell me which month is the best for getting married? I am a tiger and my fiance is a rat. Thank you!

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