Tag Archives: auspicious dates

The timeline for the chinese wedding begins with…

Proposal/ Decision to get married He has proposed! You’re going to get married! 1. Announcement There’s always someone to tell! Who shall hear it first? Your best friends or your Mum? To your Mum, THIS is the official start of timeline for the chinese wedding… 2. Selection of auspicious dates Auspicious dates are required for […]

Auspicious dates and timing for chinese wedding

It is important to most chinese to choose auspicious dates for the betrothal “纳彩” pronounced “na cai”, installing the bridal bed “安床” pronounced “an chuang”, and the chinese wedding day “嫁娶” pronounced “jia qu”. Are you getting married in the dark? Other than the wedding date, some will also choose a good timing for the […]

Chinese Wedding Customs — The Pre-Wedding Period

Selection of auspicious dates 看日子 Auspicious dates are required for the chinese wedding, the betrothal and the installation of the bridal bed. A chinese monk, a temple official or a fortune teller are able to advise on a suitable date based on the couple’s birth dates and times. Some may also refer to the chinese […]