You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. Planning to get married in the 2019 and undecided […]
Tag Archives: wedding
You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. Planning to get married in the 2018 and undecided […]
You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. Planning to get married in the 2017 and undecided […]
You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2016 is the year of Monkey in the Chinese […]
You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2015 is the year of sheep in the Chinese […]
You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an auspicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2014 is the year of horse in the Chinese […]
You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an ausipicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2013 is the year of snake in the Chinese […]
一般而言,喜帖公司提供現成的喜帖封面設計,而內文則由新人自己撰寫。 您當然可以發揮創意,撰寫一些幽默或動人的詞句,給親友留下深刻的印象,但如果您寧願採用傳統的格式和寫法,可參看以下資料 喜帖內容 1. 啟事語(「謹訂於」、「謹詹於」) 2. 舉行婚禮日期 3. 新郎、新娘名字 4. 舉行婚禮地點(「於」、「在」、「假座」之類) 5. 典禮名稱(結婚或訂婚) 6. 款待方式(「敬備」、「謹備」加「薄酌」、「茶點」之類,如時間與典禮不同,應先註明) 7. 邀請語(「恭請」、「敬請」、「敬希」、「恭候」、「台端」、「闔府」加「光臨」等) 8. 邀請者姓名 9. 附啟語(宴會開始及入席時間之類) 傳統中式喜帖內容應直行書寫,由右寫至左。 喜帖內容可以印英文、中文或兩種文字分別印在帖的左右兩頁。 1.承嚴命與承慈命 相信很多新人在撰寫喜帖內文時都有一個疑問,就是究竟在何時才需在喜帖內容或喜帖內文裡加入承嚴命與承慈命的字眼。其實,只要我們明白其中的原理,這一個承嚴命與承慈命的喜帖內容、喜帖內文問題是很容易可以解決的。 首先,我們必須明白,一般來說,喜帖/結婚請帖是以新人雙方的父母的名義發出的,而他們(理論上)是受命於自己的父母(即新人的祖父母)而發出喜帖 / 結婚請帖的。 這裡就是關鍵所在,所謂嚴父慈母, 所喜帖內容、喜帖內文裡的「承嚴命」和「承慈命」就是指受命於父親和母親的意思。要留意的是,這裡所指的父親和母親是新人父母的父親和母親,亦即是新人的祖父母。 所以簡單地說,喜帖內文的承嚴命和承慈命的用法應該是這樣的: 承嚴命:祖父健在 承慈命:祖母健在 承嚴慈命:祖父母健在 舉一個例子,如果男方和女方的祖父母都是健在的話,在喜帖內文裡,男方父母和女方父母的名字上便需分別加上承嚴慈命了。 2.常見的喜帖格式 以下是一些常見的喜帖內容及內文格式,可供參考。 3.兄弟姊妹的寫法 在喜帖內容、喜帖內文裡,新人名字之上一般都會加上他們在家中的排行,其實要留意的是,家中的兒子和女兒是分開計算的。以下是在一般情況下,在喜帖/結婚請帖上排行的寫法: 長男:家裡兒子排行最大 次男:家裡兒子排行第二 三男:家裡兒子排行第三 四男:家裡兒子排行第四 幼男:家裡兒子排行最小 小兒:家裡只有一位兒子 (家姐及細妹不計在內) 長女:家裡女兒排行最大 次女:家裡女兒排行第二 三女:家裡女兒排行第三 四女:家裡女兒排行第四 幼女:家裡女兒排行最小 小女:家裡只有一位女兒 (哥哥及細佬不計在內) 4.引用句子 「執子之手,與子偕老」~ […]
You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an ausipicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2012 is the year of dragon in the Chinese […]
You may probably know that Chinese people usually choose an ausipicious date for the wedding. Choosing a good date for marriage will bring fortune and luck to both the couples and the two families involved. As a result, choosing the date becomes a very important issue. 2011 is the year of rabbit in the Chinese […]
It’s already the start of the second quarter of the year 2009. For many couples who are planning a wedding this year, most would’ve already found their auspicious wedding dates and would be in the midst of their preparations to host their happy occasion. For those who are planning to get married in 2010, it’s […]
An Asian theme wedding is not quite complete without a set of wood chopsticks to sit right next to a plate. These Personalized Chopsticks are the perfect addition to your wedding banquet or any special occasion. Your friends will want to save these stylish, functional, reusable wooden chopsticks. Each pair of chopsticks can have the […]